County Councilwoman Marty Hawk makes her weekly Wednesday visit just after 8 am. She keeps us updated on the county’s finances, your tax dollars and general business.
News Talk FM 98.7 and AM 1370 WGCL
by Glass
Host of the Glass in the Afternoon program from 3 to 6 weekdays. Formerly Glass in the Morning. and In the Zone.
120 W. 7th Street
Ste. 400
Bloomington, IN 47404
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Ginnie Phero says
Dear Mike and crew:
Is anyone else in Bloomington as miffed as I am about the school closures this week.? This is Indiana, and we are going to have weeks like this during the winter months, so why are the schools closed? Does the board of MCCSC realize that areas in our country have been dealing with much worse for 6, 7 8 weeks, and the schools have been open? They need to keep the schools open. If they decide not to run the buses, then children who can’t get to school will have an excused absence. The school system is there for the children and their families, not the other way around.