By Diane Daily
At the Indiana Statehouse, senators are looking at legislation that would bring widespread changes to state-run services for mental health care. Senate Bill One is in line with the Governor’s healthcare agenda. According to published reports, the bill would require the state’s division of mental health and addiction to establish and maintain a helpline that would provide confidential support and referrals to services around the state. Lt. Gov. Suzanne Crouch testified before the State Senate Appropriations Committee yesterday voicing her support for the legislation.
The Monroe Community School Corporation has announced a move for their ALPS program. Over the next three years, the accelerated learning program for elementary students will move from University to Fairview Elementary School. Indiana Public Media says grades three and four will be moved this fall. This will also be the first year that ALPS is offered to third graders, and was in the past only include fourth, fifth and sixth graders.
Checking Consumer News, the National Retail Federation has found that Americans are ready to spend a lot of money to celebrate Valentine’s Day. According to a new survey an astronomical $26 billion will be spent this year…that’s up two billion dollars from last year. But not all of the money will be spent on cards, candy and flowers. Many of the purchases involve dining out or going on romantic getaways.
Monroe Lake’s Eagles over Monroe event continues this weekend…celebrating the reintroduction of bald eagles in Indiana. A Sunset eagle watch will take place tonight and tomorrow night from 5:00 until 6:00. Tomorrow afternoon, Take Flight Wildlife Education will host two live raptor presentations at Paynetown.
Finally, the award-winning movie Hoosiers will be on the big screen at the Buskirk Chumley Theater on Sunday. Written by Bloomington’s Angelo Pizzo, Hoosiers is considered one of the greatest sports movies of all time. Released in 1986, it stars Gene Hackman, Barbara Hershey and Dennis Hopper.